Being an Azure Storage Account Owner isn’t enough to use AzCopy

I was using AzCopy (Azure PowerShell module) to try and upload files from my local machine to an Azure Storage Container (blob storage) using my Microsoft user credentials. I was surprised to find that I hit authorization and permission issues when I was the owner of the Azure subscription, I created the Azure storage account,... Continue Reading →

Here’s where the Office Add-in manifest files are cached locally for Desktop Office Apps

When a user acquires an Office Add-in from the store (for Windows Desktop version of Office), a copy of the add-in manifest file is cached locally. Often during troubleshooting it is helpful to be able to verify exactly which version of the manifest is being used, or even inspect the content of the manifest file.... Continue Reading →

How to install or upgrade to the latest Office Yeoman Generator (Yo Office)

I find the easiest way to create (scaffold) a new Office Add-in (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is to use the Office Yeoman Generator (Yo Office). This is really using 2 things. Firstly its using a tool called Yeoman, which is a generic scaffolding tool (nothing to do with Microsoft or Office). It's the Yo in... Continue Reading →

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