Microsoft Graph API – Inconsistent support for User Id, UPN and SMTP address to identify users

When making calls to get user centric data from the Microsoft Graph API the documentation tells us we can use either the users (Graph) id or the users UPN (Active Directory User Principal Name) For example, to get the details of a specific user GET /users/{id|userPrincipalName} To get mail messages for a specific user GET... Continue Reading →

My reflections on European SharePoint Conference 2022 (and all the photos)

This conference marked the first time I travelled outside of Australia since 2019. As hard as we've all tried with virtual conferences, user groups and meetups this solidifies for me the value of in-person events. I feel I struggled to maintain existing relationships over the last 3 years in the virtual world, and even harder... Continue Reading →

How we built the OnePlaceMail Outlook App on the Microsoft 365 Platform & Azure Cloud

In this episode of the Microsoft "Learn from the Community" series with Ayca Bas, Mathieu Rebuffet and myself discuss our career paths that led us to developing and running commercial products at scale on top of the Microsoft 365 platform and leveraging the Microsoft Azure cloud. We demonstrate some key features of the OnePlaceMail App... Continue Reading →

How to fix Azure Functions Timer Trigger unable to start running locally with VS2022 17.x (Azurite)

Lately my VS2022 (17.2.x) Azure Functions projects started failing to run locally. The local console had errors related to not being able to start any of the Timer Triggers. The errors take the format The listener for function 'function name' was unable to start. Azure.Storage.Blobs: Service request failed. This error is related to Azurite (the... Continue Reading →

Developer Sessions at Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon Conference

I'll be giving two developer oriented sessions at the free Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon conference May 4-6 2022. Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon is a free, online, 60-hour event happening May 4-6, 2022. We will have content going the whole time with speakers from around the globe. This event is free for all wanting to attend.... Continue Reading →

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